Saturday, January 9, 2010

A world without mirrors

A world without mirrors.

Try to imagine a world about mirrors. What if everything were the same in the
world except that we had no way of looking at ourselves except through the feedback that we got from other people?

Would we look different? You bet! That’s not a big deal to me, what’s interesting is whether we would act the same. I don't think so. I think that our behavior would be very slightly more honest, more frank, less constrained by an effort to project an image, simply more ourselves.

Right now when we look at another person we have to wonder what they are really like beneath the surface. In a world without mirrors the expressions we would see on people’s faces would reflect the reality within them more precisely than the “made up” images we now see.

Don’t you want to see the real person when you are looking at someone else? I do.


  1. I too do wish to and am even going on a mirror fast because each time i look into the mirror i feel bad, now because i don't like what i see, but because it is the very action of wanting to see myself for no valid reason i think is a waste of effort and can actually hinder your progress towards being happier, because all you do infront of a mirror is think about what others will see, and frankly, i don't want to care and think about that, because it is of no relevence to my life.

  2. I, Anita Sto, plan to do a one year performance piece.
    I shall NOT see my self in the mirror.
    I shall not see my self in any kind of reflective surface.
    I shall not see myself in any kind of pictures (on screen or on paper).

    The performance will begin on November 11, 2010 at 11 A.M.
    and continue until November 11, 2011 at 11 A.M.

    Anita Sto

    51 Bergen Street, 2nd/Fl. Brooklyn 11201, NY
    The Invisible Dog Art Center
